Sun City Bluffton Stamp Club
Meeting Dates: 3rd Tuesday of each month
Meeting Times: 2:00 PM Meeting Location(s): Savannah Room, Hidden Cypress Clubhouse, 672 Cypress Hills Drive, Bluffton, South Carolina, 29909 (Enter Sun City on the south side entrance. Inform the guard you are headed for the stamp club meeting, and ask for directions and a pass) Officers: President: Roger Anderson Vice President: Ron Alfin Treasurer: Robert Whyte Secretary: Nick Rodites Contact: Ron Alfin (843) 705-7960 Annual Dues: $1/year Club History: Every month we trade for a couple of hours and we conduct an auction. Each member can submit five items. We get constant contributions from our neighbors which we auction off and the proceeds from the auction goes to our holiday dinner. We charge our members 10% for auction items sold. There are no fees for unsold lots. |