Show Covers of the Southeastern Stamp Expo
The Southeastern Stamp Expo produces a collectible souvenir show cover each year, usually supporting the show's theme. In recent years, our show covers have been created by artist Chris Lazaroff of CL Cachets. In 2019, Chris Calle began designing our cachets. Limited quantities of these covers are available for purchase. You are recommended to inquire about availability first by emailing us at [email protected]
In all cases, purchase orders for SESE souvenir covers should be mailed to Foster Miller at:
SEFSC Covers
Box 44
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0044
Please clearly identify which cover you are ordering.
Our preference is that you include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your order. Otherwise, you may add 73 cents to your order to pay for shipping.
In all cases, purchase orders for SESE souvenir covers should be mailed to Foster Miller at:
SEFSC Covers
Box 44
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0044
Please clearly identify which cover you are ordering.
Our preference is that you include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your order. Otherwise, you may add 73 cents to your order to pay for shipping.