We Want to Hear from YouUse our comment form at right to ask us questions or tell us what's on your mind.
Or send an email to the Southeastern Stamp Expo organizing committee at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact us on our Facebook page or send us a tweet @sestampexpo Official correspondence via the US Postal Service should be sent to: Southeast Federation of Stamp Clubs P.O. Box 71657 Marietta, GA 30007-1657 |
If you are inquiring about assistance to appraise or sell an inherited stamp collection, please read our commentary on the subject first. We will be able to have a more informed dialog with you once you have checked out this link. Also, please provide whatever description you can of the collection, and let us know approximately where you live, so that we can reach out to someone near you for help. If you can send along a few photos, that can help too. (You cannot send photos via the contact form; use our email address directly at [email protected])