Florida Postal History Society
History of the Society
The Florida Postal History Society was established in 1978 by a group of 12 collectors interested in postal history from Florida. The late Larry Resnick was instrumental in getting the group together and collected the first-year dues. However, due in large part to the lack of formal meetings and no formal publications, the Society was disbanded.
The Society was restarted in 1991 with a meeting of collectors and postal history dealers at FLOREX in Orlando. The Florida Postal History Society was re-established with formal by-laws on November 6, 1992, with Deane R. Briggs, M.D. elected President for a two-year term. Herbert P. McNeal was Vice-President, and the late William J. Bomar, Secretary Treasurer. Within six months, the membership had grown to 44 active members and by the end of the first year the Society had 58 Charter Members. 210 members have joined to date, with 120 currently active.
President: Francis Ferguson [email protected]
Vice President: Stephen Strobel [email protected]
Secretary: Todd Hause [email protected]
Treasurer: Deane R. Briggs, M.D. [email protected]
President: Francis Ferguson [email protected]
Vice President: Stephen Strobel [email protected]
Secretary: Todd Hause [email protected]
Treasurer: Deane R. Briggs, M.D. [email protected]

Florida Postal History Journal
The Florida Postal History Society publishes the award winning 20-page Florida Postal History Journal, with the first issue released in July 1993. David Phillips was the journal editor and did an excellent job with the first journal and the March 1994 issue. Deane R. Briggs, M.D. became editor of the journal with the third issue of August 1994.
Initially a black and white journal was published twice a year. From 2008 until the fall of 2017, Dr. Everett Parker published the full color Journal. In early 2018, Steve Swain assumed the positions of editor and publisher. Currently three issues are published annually (January, May & September) and are complimentary for dues paying members.
Recent articles published in the journal include:
South Lake Weir Postal Note
The Christmas Florida Post Office - Monograph Review
Buffalo Bluff, Florida 1869-1908
World War I Camp Johnston Training - Postcards Tell the Story
Florida Postal History Journal
The Florida Postal History Society publishes the award winning 20-page Florida Postal History Journal, with the first issue released in July 1993. David Phillips was the journal editor and did an excellent job with the first journal and the March 1994 issue. Deane R. Briggs, M.D. became editor of the journal with the third issue of August 1994.
Initially a black and white journal was published twice a year. From 2008 until the fall of 2017, Dr. Everett Parker published the full color Journal. In early 2018, Steve Swain assumed the positions of editor and publisher. Currently three issues are published annually (January, May & September) and are complimentary for dues paying members.
Recent articles published in the journal include:
South Lake Weir Postal Note
The Christmas Florida Post Office - Monograph Review
Buffalo Bluff, Florida 1869-1908
World War I Camp Johnston Training - Postcards Tell the Story
The Florida Postal History Journal was awarded a Large Vermeil in 2022 at the literature competitions for both the APS Great American Stamp Show and CHICAGOPEX.

The Florida Stamp Dealers' Association and the Central Florida Stamp Club will sponsor and host FLOREX 2025 on December 5 and 6 at the Volusia County Fairgrounds Tommy Lawrence Arena, 3150 E. New York Ave., Deland, FL 32724.
FLOREX is an accredited World Series of Philately Show.
Show Hours: Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
➢ Admission $5.00 (covers both days)
➢ Free Parking
➢ Door Prizes
➢ American Philatelic Society
➢ Show Cancel & Cachet TBD
➢ Free Stamps for Kids
➢ Youth Area
➢ Show Program
➢ Exhibition of up to 150 frames
➢ Philatelic Societies
➢ Educational Presentations
➢ Show hotel (check website)
Participating Societies: Florida Postal History Society, Scandinavian Collectors Club, German Philatelic Society, Canal Zone Study Group and Fire Service in Philately.
For more information visit www.FlorexStampShow.com or email [email protected]
Society Website
Complete information about the Florida Postal History Society can be found on our website by clicking the button below.
As a member of the Florida Society, you will have access via the website to all issues of the Florida Postal History Journal since 1993 and the Society's newsletter. Additionally, Florida postal history research projects are provided in Adobe .pdf files. Such projects include A Census of Florida Revenue Stamped Documents 1862-1872, Florida Railroad Post Office Markings, Military Bases in Florida, and Bogus Stamps of the Confederacy-Florida.
Membership Application
A printable copy of the Society's membership application can be obtained from the Society's website or by clicking on the button below.
A printable copy of the Society's membership application can be obtained from the Society's website or by clicking on the button below.
United States Philatelic Classics Society Distinguished Philatelist Award
Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D.
The Distinguished Philatelist Award was bestowed upon Florida Postal History Society’s President Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D. at the February 20-21 annual meeting of the United States Philatelic Classics Society (USPCS). The award recognizes exceptionally meritorious service to US philately through published research, award-winning collections, active participation in the organization and promotion of philatelic exhibitions and sustained administrative service to the national or international organizations which further United States philately.
Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D. is an award-winning philatelist from Philadelphia. He is active in multiple stamp organizations, including the American Philatelic Society, United States Philatelic Classics Society (Regional Vice President for Florida/Board of Directors), and Carriers and Locals Society (President). He is on the Board of Trustees for the Philatelic Foundation, the Manuscript Society, Pennsylvania Postal History Society, Mid Atlantic Federation of Postal History, and Florida Postal History Society.
Through his study of postal history, especially Philadelphia local posts, he has earned multiple McDonald Awards (USPCS) and Editor’s Awards (CALS). In 2006, his exhibit “Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: Locals, Carriers, and Independent Mails, 1835 to 1867” won the Champion of Champions award and proceeded to earn five large gold medals in international competition.
Congratulations to Vernon for this well-deserved recognition and award.
United States Philatelic Classics Society Distinguished Philatelist Award
Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D.
The Distinguished Philatelist Award was bestowed upon Florida Postal History Society’s President Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D. at the February 20-21 annual meeting of the United States Philatelic Classics Society (USPCS). The award recognizes exceptionally meritorious service to US philately through published research, award-winning collections, active participation in the organization and promotion of philatelic exhibitions and sustained administrative service to the national or international organizations which further United States philately.
Vernon R. Morris, Jr., M.D. is an award-winning philatelist from Philadelphia. He is active in multiple stamp organizations, including the American Philatelic Society, United States Philatelic Classics Society (Regional Vice President for Florida/Board of Directors), and Carriers and Locals Society (President). He is on the Board of Trustees for the Philatelic Foundation, the Manuscript Society, Pennsylvania Postal History Society, Mid Atlantic Federation of Postal History, and Florida Postal History Society.
Through his study of postal history, especially Philadelphia local posts, he has earned multiple McDonald Awards (USPCS) and Editor’s Awards (CALS). In 2006, his exhibit “Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: Locals, Carriers, and Independent Mails, 1835 to 1867” won the Champion of Champions award and proceeded to earn five large gold medals in international competition.
Congratulations to Vernon for this well-deserved recognition and award.