Southeastern Stamp Expo 2023
Southeastern Stamp Expo 2023
Southeastern Stamp Expo Announces 2023 Show Theme
The Southeastern Stamp Expo celebrates the 150th anniversary of the first U.S. Postal Card, Scott UX1. The United Postal Stationery Society will convene at the Expo and offer their Champion of Champions Exhibit Competition.
Southeast Federation of Stamp Clubs Announces Rowland Hill Award Winner
The Board of Directors of the Southeast Federation of Stamp Clubs has announced the winner of its 2023 Rowland Hill Award. The Rowland Hill Award is presented annually to a philatelist who has made an outstanding lifetime contribution to stamp collecting.
For 2023, the Board proudly honors William S. ("Scott") Mark of Canton, Georgia. Scott has collected stamps since he was a child and became involved in organized philately in the mid-1990s, taking on a series of roles supporting stamp clubs and stamp shows, culminating in his chairmanship of the Southeastern Stamp Expo in 2005. Scott has held this position ever since.
Scott has led the Expo’s planning committee to achieve increased financial performance and increased efficiencies with each passing year. He has managed thirteen shows as show chair, during which he doubled as Awards Chair for all of them, and as Exhibits Chair for the last five shows.