Southeastern Stamp Expo 2020

Southeastern Stamp Expo Announces 2020 Show Theme
The Planning Committee of the Southeastern Stamp Expo is pleased to announce the show theme for the 2020 Expo is a celebration of the 100th anniversary of voting rights for women enabled by the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
We will celebrate the worldwide Woman Suffrage movement and the leaders who championed voting rights for women.
Southeastern Stamp Expo to Host Women Leaders in Philately Meet 'n Greet
The Organizing Committee of the Southeastern Stamp Expo is pleased to announce that a reception for Women Leaders in Philately will be held on Saturday, February 1, at the Southeastern Stamp Expo, from 2 pm to 4 pm. The event is free and is open to all.
The event was inspired by the show's theme, the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment and voting rights for women. In the past century, more and more doors have opened to women who aspire to positions of leadership, and the hobby of stamp collecting is no different. Today, talented women are taking on roles of leadership in all areas of our hobby, and the Women Leaders in Philately Meet 'n Greet will be an opportunity to meet six exceptional women who are leading our hobby to greater heights.
Accepting the invitation to join us are:
- Elizabeth Hisey, accredited Chief Philatelic Judge and the Chair of CANEJ, the Committee for the Accreditation of National Exhibitions and Judges, the APS body that accredits and manages philatelic judges.
- Kathryn Johnson, APS Luff Award winner who is an accredited Chief and FIP Judge, past treasurer of the American Philatelic Society, and the chief judge at the 2020 show.
- Dr. Warachal Faison, President of ESPER, the Ebony Society for Philatelic Events and Reflections
- Dawn Hamman, President of the ATA, the American Topical Association
- Jennifer Miller, Executive Director of the ATA
- Nancy CLark, APS Luff Award winner, past treasurer of the APS, accredited Chief Philatelic and FIP Judge, and the inaugural winner of the Rowland Hill Award in 2005. Presently, the President of the Boston 2026 World Stamp Show
Attendees to the reception are asked to register here. Further information can be found in the Press Release.
The SESE Organizing Committee is grateful to these women leaders of our hobby for participating in this event.

France and Colonies Philatelic Society to Visit SESE 2020
The Organizing Committee of the Southeastern Stamp Expo is proud and honored to welcome the members of the France and Colonies Philatelic Society to the Expo in January of 2020 for their Annual General Meeting.
This visit will feature spectacular exhibits of rare France and French Colonies material and several seminars and presentations geared toward France and Colonies topics.

United States Postal Service to Celebrate Gwen Ifill Stamp at SESE 2020
The Southeastern Stamp Expo 2020 will host an official Stamp Dedication Ceremony of the United States Postal Service, celebrating the issue of the Gwen Ifill stamp as part of the continuing Black Heritage series of commemorative stamps.
The ceremony will take place on January 31, 2020, in the Peachtree Corners Room of the Hilton Atlanta Northeast, 5993 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Peachtree Corners, GA, 30092.
The event will take place at 11 am, with a Ceremony Program signing ceremony at approximately 11:30. All attendees will receive a complimentary Ceremony Program franked with the new Gwen Ifill stamp and a special postmark.
Speaking at the ceremony will be:
- Dr. Warachal Faison, President of ESPER, the Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections, a society of philatelists who study African-Americans on stamps and the African diaspora
- Jovita Moore, News Anchor, WSB-TV Channel 2 Action News
- Don Neal, Editor, Reflections, the quarterly journal of the Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections (ESPER)
She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Communications at Simmons College, and then went on to work for The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Post and The New York Times. She moved to television in 1994 with NBC and became their Capitol Hill correspondent. In 1999, she became the moderator of Washington Week in Review on PBS Television, becoming the first African-American woman to host a nationally televised US Public Affairs program. In 2009, she published the bestselling book The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.

Southeastern Stamp Expo Announces 2020 Raffle Prize
The Planning Committee of the Southeastern Stamp Expo has acquired an outstanding philatelic collectible to be used as a raffle prize at our January 2020 Expo.
In 2020, a lucky winner will go home with a marvellous copy of a highly sought after France Airmail stamp, Scott Catalogue number C15. This magnificent specimen was made available to the show through a kind donation of one of the Expo's 2020 dealers.
The stamp was issued on July 10, 1936, and features a Caudron Simoun monoplane flying above Paris. This aircraft was used for mail delivery during this era. The stamp also has reddish network overlaid on top of the stamp with a resulting pattern that gives the stamp a "banknote" appearance.
Our specimen is a very fine used copy, with a centrally struck Circular Date Cancel of May 7, 1938.
It is not considered a rare stamp, but it is so popular with collectors of French stamps and collectors of aviation topicals, that it features a hefty price of about $300 in the Scott Catalog. Regardless of what you collect, this classic stamp issue will provide years of pleasure to the show attendee that wins it.
Like previous years, your paid admission to the Expo will entitle you to one free raffle ticket. Further raffle tickets are available for just two dollars each or three for five dollars, and shrewd collectors will purchase a couple more tickets to double and triple their chances of winning.

Southeastern Stamp Expo 2020 will be an ATA Hot Spot
The Organizing Committee of the Southeastern Stamp Expo is thrilled to announce that the American Topical Association has selected the SESE 2020 as an ATA Hot Spot.
The ATA Hot Spot is a new initiative by the society to energize their presence at selected shows. This includes a visit by the Society Officers, special presentations of interest to ATA Members, outreach to dealers of topical stamps, and thematic philatelic exhibits.
ATA President Dawn Hamman and Executive Director Jennifer Miller are coming to the show, and wish to meet as many ATA members as we can muster. There will be many other elements of content at the show that will appeal to those who collect by topic. Visit the society page on our website for the latest information about what is on offer. Learn more about the ATA by visiting their website.
The Southeasetern Stamp Expo is grateful and honored that the ATA has chosen to support our show in this manner.

Dr. Harvey S. Teal Named Rowland Hill Honoree for 2020
The Board of Directors of the Southeast Federation of Stamp Clubs is pleased to announce that Dr. Harvey S. Teal, of Columbia, South Carolina will be the recipient of the 2020 Rowland Hill Award. The Rowland Hill Award is a lifetime achievement award and is presented annually to a philatelist in the Southeastern United States who has made an outstanding lifetime contribution to stamp collecting and philately.
Teal is an accomplished philatelist and philatelic writer, having written 19 articles for the Confederate Philatelist, the journal of the Confederate Stamp Alliance (CSA). He has been a member of the CSA for over 50 years, and has been awarded the honorary rank of General for his service to the society.
Teal has been a contributor or co-author of many other books on philately and postal history. He has assembled one of the finest collections of South Carolina stampless postal history.
Teal was an educator in private life and was awarded the Order of the Palmetto in 2001, the highest civilian honor in South Carolina.
Dr. Teal will receive his award on Saturday, February 1, at the Awards Banquet of the Southeastern Stamp Expo.